08: Birth Story: Early Delivery Followed by a Global Pandemic
Mommy Care Team
Becoming a Mom Meer Weeks Before a Global Pandemic Began.
Maggie shares her story about becoming a new mom weeks before the pandemic began. The first year of motherhood is already isolating; add in a global pandemic, a husband who works in a COVID ICU, and a fully remote job, Maggie is a true superhero.
In this Express Yourself podcast Episode BeauGen Founder interviews BeauGen Team Member Maggie Schott. Maggie received a surprise valentine in 2020 when her son arrived almost four weeks early. Fast forward a few weeks and everything began shutting down, her husband went back to work treating covid positive patients and went into quarantine. Maggie shares not only her experience, but what got her through. Listen to the full episode to catch her advice for new moms.
What we covered:
- Becoming a mom right before the pandemic (February 2020).
- The heartache of limiting visitors and family meetings with your first baby.
- Leaning on virtual support and community to discuss new motherhood and challenges.
- Being forced to quarantine away from her husband for a month.
- Focusing on the positive and looking forward.
- Finding community online.
- “Don’t let the fear overwhelm you.”
BeauGen Mom Community - Private Facebook Group
Maggie’s Breastfeeding Journey
Maggie's Instagram
Maggie Schott's Bio
Before becoming a new mom at the outset of the pandemic, Maggie has worked in digital marketing for over 10 years. She's honed her writing skills serving both B2B and B2C companies, large and small organization, and nonprofits. In her role with BeauGen, she has added YouTube videos, and now Podcasts to her skills. In her free time, Maggie enjoys designing new knitting patterns, cycling, hiking, and skiing with her family.