23: Raising Little Cleaners

Mommy Care Team
Get to know Force of Nature Clean on the Express Yourself Podcast

Tips and Advice from a Mom Who Invented a Safer Cleaning System

Are your little ones mess makers? Do you want to start teaching healthy cleaning habits from a young age? We chat with Melissa Lush in this episode of the BeauGen Express Yourself Podcast on how to prioritize household chores and make them fun for kids. Learn ideas for gamifying folding the laundry, making cleaning up after dinner a nightly affair, and more!

Melissa cofounded Force of Nature, a hospital-grade cleaning solution that is so gentle you can use it on items your kids put in their mouths on a daily basis. This mama knows how to run a clean house, but it wasn’t always easy. Listen to how Melissa had to learn to let go and prioritize what got cleaned and organized. In this episode, she explains the difference between cleaning and disinfecting, and how to keep your family safe and healthy. 

What we covered:

  • Learning to let go of the clean when the kids are little.
  • Potty training woes.
  • Tips for routines or systems to stay on top of the mess.
  • Tips for getting your kids involved in cleaning.
  • How often to clean and what to clean?
  • The difference between cleaning and disinfecting.

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 Meet Melissa from Force of Nature on the Express Yourself Podcast

Meet Melissa Lush

Melissa always took a lot of satisfaction in having everything squeaky clean and in its proper place, that is, until her son came along. Suddenly this new mom had to worry about everything he was putting in his mouth and that he was touching; that’s when the hunt for safe cleaning products began. Melissa discovered what would become the main ingredient in her future product when a nurse was giving her tips for safe cleaning products. Melissa leaned on research and her background in new product development and branding to birth her next child, Force of Nature!

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