09: How to Have an Empowered Birth

Mommy Care Team
Meet Stephani Dill, BeauGen Team Member and Certifying Doula

Stephani Shares Her Advice on How to Make Informed Decisions During Your Birth Experience.

Stephani Dill, Marketing Manager for BeauGen and Her Beautiful Family

In this episode, we interview BeauGen's Marketing Manager and self proclaimed birth nerd, Stephani Dill. Learn about her birth experiences, how she prepared each time, and her tips for how you can have an empowered birth experience.  

Stephani, as a Postpartum Doula in training, offers mamas the friendly advice we wish we had been given. Listen to this episode to get her two previous birth stories, tips and where you can find additional resources, and more.

What we covered:

  • The difference between a birth plan and birth preferences. 
  • How information and education can empower your experience.
  • A few favorite resources for birth preparation including books and podcasts. 
  • Why educating and preparing your partner is just as important. 
  • How listening to other birth stories can be a tool for your own experience, not a scary one.
  • A case for planning like you could go early, but mentally preparing to go late. 

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    Related Episodes:

    08: Birth Story: Early Delivery Followed by a Global Pandemic 

    Meet Stephani Dill, Certifying Postpartum Doula


    Stephani Dill's Bio

    Stephani Dill is a mom of three, a certifying birth doula and BeauGen’s Marketing Manager. She is a self-proclaimed birth nerd who fell in love with all things birth, pregnancy and babies after the birth of her first daughter; and it’s only picked up with more children. She and her husband are managing the circus, that is three kids under 3, and they couldn’t be more excited about it. 

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